Homeless Bay Street Brokers Entertain Toronto
God hates greed and self-serving people of all cultures and professions. Therefore the self serving Bay Street Brokers (Canada’s Wall Streeters) may eventually be homeless and entertain Canada on the streets of Toronto and its other major cities for food!

Yet God desires All Peoples to Turn to Him to Live a Selfless Life Serving Others
Consequently God reaches out daily to all in Canada and other Nations to turn to him to be blessed superabundantly to share their wealth!
To live God’s Ugame of Life – God’s Way! Even self-serving Bay and Wall Street Brokers

How Do U Live God’s Ugame of Life?
Firstly U ask God to help U and Urs to show U how to live God’s Ugame of Life everyday?
U do this by taking time each day to listen to God – To cast over to him Ur daily cares!

Secondly U ask God to help U believe God’s Plans for his world and specifically Canada?
U expect God to show U his signs and results over time of God’d unfolding plans for his earth!

Thirdly U share God’s benefits to U and Urs with others who are less fortunate and have not yet learned to ask God for themselves!
For those of us living in Canada here is a Proclamation God gave to Canada in 2005 to show how he was going to especially bless Canada to share with the world!
It’s Called 7 Canada Shaking Promises from God! Prayerfully read it and ask God to help U believe it and build Ur lives on it being done?
Ourplace continues to pray for U and Urs! This includes Bay and Wall Street Brokers, that all may believe God and live a blessed Ugame life!