So is SELFIE Ur Idol – Ur little god? Ur whole life Is it centered on U?
All Ur relationships in real life
or in Ur virtual-reality social media life
Is it All About U?
If it’s All About U – Ur in for a sad and tragic life!
God created U for fellowship with others through him!
He created U to be his blessing person for others!
Most importantly to love Ur neighbors as U love Ur self!

Firstly, ask any of the Celebrity Pretty People
Ur IDOLS and those U #FOLLOW religiously?
Maybe they’ll talk to U while promoting their SELFIE!
Really talk to U – About U – not their selfish stuff
They want U to try or buy or promote for them!
ASK THEM? The Celebrity Pretty People:
1. My Idol what’s Ur REAL PURPOSE in Ur Life?
2. Where are U REALLY GOING and LEADING me to?
3. Are U REALLY HAPPY when Ur alone by Ur self?
ASK THEM! Then write down their answers!
U may discover that SELFIE is THEIR IDOL
Ur Celebrity Stars are truly lonely people looking for love!

Likewise now ASK Ur SELF the same 3 questions?
1. What’s my REAL PURPOSE in my life?
2. Where am I REALLY GOING and letting myself be LEAD to?
3. Am I REALLY HAPPY when I’m alone by myself?
Consequently horror of horrors, U may also DISCOVER
That SELFIE is Ur IDOL – Ur little god!
So NOW … What do U DO?

Finally Ask God those same 3 questions?
1. God, What’s Ur REAL PURPOSE for my LIFE?
2. God, Where are U GOING and LEADING me to?
3. God, Am I REALLY HAPPY when Ur with me
and I’m by my SELFIE?
Certainly WRITE down God’s ANSWERS to U!
READ them often and PRAY his answers back to God
Furthermore Ask God also to HELP U
STOP Ur SELFIE idolization as Ur little god?
Most importantly START Listening to + Obeying
Ur GOD – Who LOVES U and
Who has Ur DREAM LIFE already planned out for U!
U’ll find God changes Ur ATTITUDE + ASK + ACTION
At first slowly and surely
Until U are living Ur DREAM LIFE every day!
hendrickus of Ourplace in Canada
At Ourplace we are praying for U
To LIVE Ur DREAM LIFE – God’s Way!
Certainly we expect U to join us in LIVING
God’s #Ugame Dream Life!

Consequently we’ll continue to pray daily for
Ur needs in Ur Dream Life!
Therefore SHARE this blog with family and friends!
So that they can join U and Ourplace in living
God’s already planned out DREAM LIFE for U and them!