Get Help with Your DEPRESSION Teens
Does your DEPRESSION cause you all sorts of anxiety and stress in your mind and emotions?
You find no escape from all your worries over school work, not being good enough for your parents, friends or your teachers!

Your mind shouts out enough – Enough – ENOUGH! I can’t take it anymore – I need help now – Someone #HELLPPP me please!
There is someone who can help you right now! He loves you and made you – He knows your every thought, need and emotion – He’s always ready to get you into your Dream Life!

You guessed it! It’s God – and all it takes is a little bit of faith in God to get you out of DEPRESSION and into your DREAMS!
Firstly, Ask God to Help Stop Being DEPRESSED
You can do this by going to God and talking with him – Ask him to help you overcome those depressing feelings and thoughts?
Than focus on thinking about the good things in your life – Things like loyal friends you share life with and the successes already accomplished!
Secondly, keep reminding God to help
you in your daily talks with God – Thank him for helping you focus on the good things in your life Plus share with close friends and family that God is healing you from all your depression
This way you involve them and let them see God’s healing work in you – It gives them faith to ask God to help them with their needs
Thirdly, Expect God to help you stop being anxious!
Teens with True Friends can get involved in fun stuff
When Teens get involved with God and their true friends – They’ll have lots of Godly fun! They can also help others Get Help with their DEPRESSION by inviting them into their friends’ fun activities!
So there you have 3 Simple Steps to let God help you get over your depression! Now it is up to you to be happy and fulfilled in your life?
Just #AskGod for help today? And ask your close family and friends to help you focus on the good things in your life everyday?
At Ourplace we learn how to let God help us deal with all our young adult problems; such as DEPRESSION and ANXIETY! Come SHARE our Journey of a Successful Life – Contact us at [email protected] And SHARE below!