Dream Life HELP is available for YOUTH
Are U like most of us young people in the Americas still figuring out what Ur DREAM LIFE HELP looks like + how to START to use it TODAY?
Here’s a PROVEN WAY for Ur DREAM LIFE HELP! It takes PRAYER + PRACTICE + PLAY, but pays off in BENEFITS beyond Ur wildest dreams.

PRAY – ASK God in Jesus’ name to: 1. Help me figure out my DREAM LIFE HELP + 2. Provide me an opportunity to PRACTICE to live my DREAM LIFE HELP + 3. Provide me Ur RESOURCES to PLAY out my DREAM LIFE HELP?
The KEY here is to ASK GOD consistently in JESUS’ NAME?
Then we’ll be asking God in the name God pays most attention to. The NAME of JESUS. The only one to FREELY PAY God’s PRICE to HELP us LIVE our DREAMS.
Let’s not get hung up right now on the JESUS STUFF! What we believe or do not believe. God and U will figure that out in due time.
The KEY to START on our DREAM LIFE HELP is to regularly PRAY and ASK God, in JESUS’ NAME, to HELP us LIVE our DREAM LIFE?

Then we’ll be able to PRACTICE living our Dream Life! By using the opportunity that comes to us to help others and be supported in our work and life’s needs.
It’s that SIMPLE. ASK GOD in JESUS’ name consistently! And keep experiencing God’s provision of opportunities for us to PRACTICE living our Dream Life Help from God.
As we consistently ASK in PRAYER in Jesus’ name + PRACTICE our Dream Life Help, God starts to teach us how to put FUN into our everyday living. Thus we learn to PLAY at LIVING our DREAM LIFE!

We learn to overcome daily challenges more easily, with more sunny than dark days in our life. LIFE becomes more FUN, letting us actually PLAY at living our DREAM LIFE.
All of us young people need to have HOPE + OPPORTUNITY to BELIEVE that: 1. We can live our DREAMS + 2. HELP OTHERS + 3. Make a POSITIVE difference in our world.
That’s God’s PLAN for us all. He merely asks us that we let him HELP us LIVE our DREAM LIFE PLAN? That we ASK his help in the name of Jesus + PRACTICE living our life God’s Way, while helping others as we learn to PLAY out our God given dream lives.
It is that SIMPLE – So let’s TRY IT TODAY – Let’s PRAY + PRACTICE + PLAY our DREAM LIFE, God’s Way!
hendrickus of Ourplace in Toronto, Canada
At Ourplace in Toronto, Canada we continue to PRAY + PRACTICE + PLAY out our DREAM LIVES – We also PRAY that U too will START TODAY and every day to experience Ur DREAM LIFE HELP and BENEFITS from God.