ArtOfTheDEAL Trump + Trudeau So the real Donald Trump has now been the USA POTUS45 for over two years. And we’re all learning what he means by the ArtOfTheDeal Trump + Trudeau

God says “Love your neighbor as yourself!“
For instance Canada, the USA’s best neighbour, is encouraged by God to love the USA and even Dealer Don Trump its President
Therefore God says to Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau to give Dealer Don and the USA great deals while we #TrustInGod to keep Canada glorious and free!
Glorious and Free from Dealer Don and all others who want to take advantage of Canada! And not experience our growing O Canada bountiful blessings legally!
All Interested Pray + Help Our Leaders
Consequently all Canadian, American and Mexican Believers in God are encouraged to continue to pray. That God helps Prime Minister Trudeau hold Dealer Don to his “everybody wins” Godly Trade Deal
Here are a few Ourplace Deal Suggestions
In the spirit of love and kindness Ourplace suggests that the Canadian, USA and Mexican folks continue to pray for these Ourplace ideas! That Dealer Don and TaxEm Trudeau will eventually put these into their new friendly Fair Trade Deals for the USA, Mexico and Canada
Firstly Trudeau puts up a new, safe laser-beam border-wall to zap all illegals trying to get in
Trump gets the electric bill and a USA Super User Discount on all electricity the USA is currently buying daily from Canada
Secondly Trudeau takes the “N” out of NAFTA, by respectfully saying “NO unfair NAFTA changes Honorable President!”
Trump keeps the leftover AFTA and we move the N – So it can be called the AFTAN DEAL!
Or All Free Trade Action Now Trade Deal
Or as Trump now calls NAFTA the new US Mexico and Canada Agreement – USMCA
Art of The Deal Original Deal Makers
Thus the Trump improved trilateral USA Canada and Mexico USMCA Fair Trade Agreement for our three countries 500 million+ citizens to live in peace and trade freedom!
Thirdly Trudeau gets free USA vacation the White House for his photo-op family and staff! Trump gets free Canadian vacation housing at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa for his family’s “escape the impeachment crisis cottage” in Ottawa’s Safe Canada
Thus Our Leaders Exchange Vacation Homes
After all Trump now does have both the magnificent new Trump International Hotel just minutes from his Pennsylvania Avenue White House for his Trump-proof Safe House!
But let’s remember that our “poor” Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is presently living in a cottage on our Governor General’s Estate while 24 Sussex is being renovated!
Trudeau is doing this with his three beautiful children, marvelous wife, Sophie, several nannies, RCMP security and various staff to advise, care for, plus protect our photo-op savvy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
A Black Friday Deal Maker
As a “Black Friday Deal Maker” our friendly Governor General, our Military’s Commander in Chief, may let Trudeau throw in the Govs Horse Guards for Trump family pony rides in the beautiful Gatineau Hills
So the Trump family can take pony rides in scenic Canada’s photo-op Gatineau Hills in Quebec. Where even distressed Americans find friendly French speaking people. They love great food and fun! REAL JOIE de VIVRE folks who take amazing selfie photos with celebrities

So, there you have three Ourplace suggestions for all interested Canadian and American neigbours to pray and help our two “world famous” leaders learn the Art Of The Deal Canada Style for Trump + Trudeau
Start today, with your prayers + suggestions
1. Send them to Trump at
2. Send them to Trudeau at
3. Add your likes below! Spread your “love gift seeds” into your Social Media Circles to BLESS Canada + Mexico + USA
with the new improved Trump + Trudeau ArtOfTheDeal Canada Style

To clarify God is watching U Believers!
Plus keeping U and Urs Glorious and Free!
Just like he has been doing faithfully for his O Canada now for some 150+ years
Therefore as called by God, Ourplace prays for U and Urs to love all our neighbours in Canada, the USA and Mexico with God’s love!