Life Helps U Win
Life helps u win in ur life depending on whose follower u are! Do u follow ur Oscar idol winners or do u follow God?
U must CHOOSE either IDOLS or GOD?
It’s a matter of LIFE or DEATH!

Ur Idols and Movie Stars look so good, seem so happy, do exciting life stuff and say Come follow me and u will be happy too
Or those magic Influencers on Social Media
who say Try my stuff! It will make u so happy
rich, famous and much desired”
Who will U FOLLOW to heaven or hell on earth?
AWAKE O teens and young adults among the Walking Dead!
Walking Dead Youth Following their Cellphones to hell on earth
Get God’s Radical Reality Vision
It’s time u got God’s Radical Reality Vision U let God Life Help U Win in ur life! And see the beauty all around u
God’s Radical Reality Vision let’s Life Helps U Win
So are u tired of silent suffering?
Of being lulled by ur idols and social media influencers into a life that does not satisfy!
Do U now shout enough is enough is ENOUGH!
I won’t stand with those pretenders who declare on Oscar Awards Night Time’s Up
The pretenders of so called happiness + wealth
Time’s Up Stars Celebrate Women and Diversity on Oscar Night
If U’ve had Enough of Suffering and Ur Time’s Up
U now need Life Help U Win in ur life that satisfies u today and lasts a lifetime! So that u have lots left over to share with ur friends
Ask God To Come into Ur Life full-time Now?
Pray something like this, ” God come into my life and let Ur Life Help me Win over all my troubles and trials. So that i have enough left over every day to SHARE with my family, friends and needy in my neighborhood and country!”
Oscar and his look good idols or
God and his Life Time Guaranteed Godly stuff!

It’s that simple and guaranteed by God
Consistently PRAY to God! He’ll answer u and help u and urs live a life to win in ur life!
Share ur new journey of a satisfied life with ur family and friends to join u in ur new joy!