Are you a Fear On Missing Out Teenager? A FOMO Teen

Do you Fear On Missing Out?
In your young life is there constant dread that you are not good enough? As a result do you feel depressed, bullied or just not able to be a good friend to anyone! Above all a friend who can be counted on to help in times of need!
If you do believe you are a FOMO Teenager There is HOPE for you!
Keep HOPE because you can learn How to BE the REAL YOU! To live your Dream Life and overcome your limitations! Above all to trust in One who loves you very much!

One Who LOVES You!
There is such a One! He loves you just the way you are! With all your bad and good points!
Therefore with him there is no fear that you are a FOMO Teenager!
For he creates only good things for his teens!
In his mind there is no question that U are the real you he wants you to be

You Are The REAL You
Because you are the only person just like you God has ever created to live on his earth! Yes, created with your unique character!
The REAL YOU who can with God’s help overcome all your fears! So that in due time you will BE the REAL YOU – A worthy person

Than do these 3 things:
Firstly, Ask God to come into your life and help You BE YOU?
Secondly, Tell one close friend that you and God are working on the REAL YOU – Share your new journey with this close friend.
Thirdly, Watch patiently as God starts bringing out the new NO FOMO teenager in you. One Day at a Time!
Ourplace PRAYS for Your REAL YOU!
At Ourplace in Canada we pray for you each day! To come forth as the new you – The REAL YOU accepted by family and friends! Share your new journey with them and let Ourplace know how U are doing! CONTACT us at [email protected]