What’s Ur Life’s PASSION?
Teens if U do NOT yet know What’s Ur Life’s PASSION is that’s okay. Yet, knowing this will make Ur LIFE healthier + wealthier!
So let’s talk about how U get an answer to
Start Living Ur Dream Life PASSION today
It’s cool to follow leaders on social media
on Instagram , Snapchat or Twitter
We’re all posting and tweeting about
our latest stuff and who we follow
Tweeting and texting about; money
native rights, news, school, security,
travel, weather or women’s rights
To mention a few topics our news and social media
are overflowing with each minute!
Yet how does all that tweeting + texting
Help U discover Ur Life’s PASSION and PURPOSE?
young girl reflecting on her life’s passion and purpose
It does NOT help anyone – even U!
Until U know who U truly are
What Ur PASSIONATE about and
What Ur PURPOSE in LIFE truly is?
So that U know U are being the REAL U!
Plus following LEADERS
who can help U LIVE a WORTHY LIFE!
So that U live a healthy + happy + wealthy life!
Than U can TRULY HELP others in need!
For example the homeless folks doing without their basic stuff
Homeless young adults need Ur basic help
Makes sense – Doesn’t it?
Similarly, if U are not yet living in peace and prosperity
from all the bad stuff going on in Ur community and life
Who can U TRULY HELP? Who will respect and take Ur help?
So, we’re back to U Discovering Ur PASSION + PURPOSE in LIFE!
To START LIVING that each day a little better
Ready to DISCOVER the REAL U – NOW?
Here are 3 Simple Steps to DO!
These are LIFE-TESTED by folks who have gone before U
down the same ROAD U are NOW walking on!
That’s it – It’s that easy!
But it will take Ur commitment to DO ALL three regularly!
Here are the details of these 3 STEPS

Firstly, PRAY! U can pick whatever God U want to!
However, if U are going to get a God
make certain U get the best God available
Here’s how! I did it in my chaotic young life
I simply prayed like this “God, if U are the best God
of all the little gods i know, HELP me get out of all
my misery + BE the REAL ME U have created me to be
God prove it in my LIFE – EVERYDAY!”
That’s the first serious prayer i made to God!
He started helping me and continues every day!
Though at times it’s not easy to wait for God’s Way! – God’s been faithful thus far!
That’s STEP #1 – #PRAY to Ur best God
Here’s a secret, i’ll share with U!
This best God is waiting for U to ASK for his HELP!
To show U what he can DO with Ur LIFE!

Secondly, PRACTICE Ur Passion and Purpose
So, U have to ASK Ur new found God
to HELP U PRACTICE regularly
until U become good at it in every part of Ur LIFE!
This is the hardest part of the 3 STEPS
At times U’ll get discouraged Feel U’ll never do it God’s Way!
Turn those feelings over to God instantly!
Say something like ” God, here i go again!
I just don’t believe U can DO it for me
Plus, i’m tired of messing up again
There must be an easier softer way than Ur Way”
“Okay God, i’m going to eat something good
like an apple or chocolate bar – Then help me DO it Ur Way God!”
Believe me PRAYER + PRACTICE works with this biggest + best God
Everytime – Just TRY IT for yourself!

Now U are ready for STEP #3 – PLAY!
That’s where U PLAY God’s changes into Ur LIFE!
Here’s how it works!
Firstly, when U get up in the morning
DO NOT CHECK Ur cell phone, texts or emails!
Also DO NOT go to the bathroom
brush Ur teeth, pick Ur pimples or such selfie stuff!
If U do any of these things
The devil has U already working again for him
For example U PRAY something like this in Ur bed
“Biggest God of all little gods me again!
Help me please PLAY my Life’s passion + purpose today!

Help me to know when i’m straying off Ur Heavenly Highway
Getting in my old familiar habits again!
Thank U! I look forward to PLAYING my LIFE’s PURPOSE
with PASSION today – Being a REAL WINNER!”
That’s how U PRAY to God BEFORE U DO
anything else Ur old habits will get U into again
It’s that easy with God! To BE God’s Masterpiece!