Tag Archives: parents

PRAYER Powerful Work for U

PRAYER Powerful Work for U

Prayer is powerful work for U who desire  SUCCESS and FUN in being a FREE U!

That is to say young people 13 to 33 DO NOT
want to wait to be their REAL SELF – They want it now!

Here’s a SECRETUr parents and grandparents had
the same  DESIRES when they were young!

It’s been like that ever since Adam and Eve had kids
Just Ask God?

So Do U want to BE FREE – NOW?

i’ll SHARE with my young friends

As a result U too can be truly FREE to BE the REAL U

PRAY and Ask God to HELP U

young people praying together

That’s right! U heard me!

I struggled for a long time to do it my selfish way
God finally took MERCY on me he got me FREE
from my 1st bad habit (addiction) LOVING ALCOHOL

Just like that by God’s GRACE he removed
my desire to BE a BIG SHOT macho man 
Who used booze to build himself up

I didn’t realize it until years later

God answered it PERMANENTLY


U SAVED a lot of my family, friends 
and little me a LOT of SUFFERING and

He’s been cleaning little me up ever since!

Today i still have tasks that trouble me at times
However the 1st thing I DO IS PRAY to God!

PRAY something like this:
“O my God, it’s little struggling me again
Can U HELP ME solve this task with Ur GRACE
Show me how to do it simply Ur Way, thanks God”

youth praying outside
young man praying to God

That’s it!

Most times God quickens me to PRAY BEFORE
the task becomes TOO BIG

So It’s up to U teens and young adults reading this

Want to STRUGGLE + SUFFER in Ur life

Teens taking a Group Selfie


 U ready NOW while still young 

Teens Praying to God

If Ur REALLY SMART – You’ll Ask God?
Before Ur debt + depression + devastation

From God – God’s Way

At Ourplace we PRAY for U and Urs!

Teens Try God’s Way!

Teens try God’s Way to Live Life!

So teenagers if U have had enough of the world’s ways of trying to live life!
Perhaps now U are now ready to try living Ur life God’s Way!

All U will be giving up is misery and listening to folks who try to sell U their “free” stuff

Before i woke up, I lived that insecure life Looking for my “lottery win” to escape the miserable life i had gotten myself into  

No real HOPE – No real DREAM – No real CHANCE  to live my Dream Life now + everyday!

Got to be an alcoholic and another person from the one i hoped to be!

Therefore teens if U too have had  ENOUGH of living the lie read on

Start today on the Road of Ur Dream Destiny! 

Teens to live Ur life God’s Way U will have to give up some of Ur old habits! To practice to overcome obstacles in Ur life God’s Way!

Here’s how to START TODAY!

Teen praying quietly by river

Firstly, Ask God, in whatever way U believe in God, to help U hear and follow Ur intuition?

Ur intuition is the Voice of God telling U the next step to take

STOP listening to the “advice” of others! Especially, the so called influencers, leaders, and billionaires  who try to “sell” their “free” stuff so U can “succeed” their way

They can not help U because they are not U!

Thus, they do not know or understand how U feel, think and what U really need! They don’t dare to practice something new to bless U in a worthwhile, lasting way!

God does know how U feel, think and what U need! And how U can graciously and easily learn to start living Ur life – his Way worthily!

So Ask God to HELP U to try God’s Way?
It’s that easy to START TODAY!

Teen trying God’s Way Focused

Secondly, As things come up Handle Only One Thing at a Time! Enjoy what U are doing!

If U start to get anxious or thinking of all the other things U still have to do that day  STOP Ask God again for his help and do something that U like doing, that is moral and legal, like have a bite of Ur favorite food  or go for a walk 

God’s Voice – Ur Intuition will again kick in and lead U in Ur next step until U find that U have done enough on that activity

It’s called Living Ur Life One Activity at a Time and One Day at a Time!

Worked for me in my alcoholism recovery!
God got me sober by his grace! He’ll also help U get over Ur bad habits  One Habit and One Day at a Time!

Teens with new helpers and projects

Thirdly, As U start to regularly practice God’s Way of Living Ur Dream  Life  One Step + One Day at a Time  EXPECT God to BRING to U people and resources to help U to practice living Ur New Life

They’ll start showing up miraculously!  Sometimes U won’t realize they are in Ur New Dream Life until months after they show up

It’s called God’s Grace Gifts to U for living Ur life God’s Way 

One Step + Activity + Day at a Time!

Now at the same time as these New Helpers start showing up, certain of Ur old family, friends, influencers and leaders will start to disappear POOFFF! They’re gone!

Don’t worry about it – It’s part of God’s Plan to eventually surround U with only those who really love + respect + desire to help U BE the PERSON God has CREATED U to BE

So TEENS Interested in God’s Way?

Start today and share Ur newfound dream life
with Ur close family and friends who will help U BE who U truly ARE!

See U on our Dream Destiny Road of Happy, Healthy and Wealthy Living!  

Teens with family and friends

Ourplace prays and stands ready to help U

What’s Ur #1 Crisis of Confidence Today?

What’s Ur #1 Crisis of Confidence Today? And consequently how do U overcome it? At Ourplace we desire to help teens discover their dream life early! To start Ur Dream Journey today – One step at a time!

Whatever U do Ur the only U on earth
Overcome U Crisis of Confidence – Discover Ur Dream

When U start to be focused on overcoming Ur #1 Crisis of Confidence and living U dream life!

Experience has taught us that usually Ur Crisis of Confidence enters the process of discovering and living Ur dream life

This Crisis of Confidence can originate from; parents, lack of money, poor school results, debt or any number of other imagined or actual  influences

Crisis of Confidence Student Debt

Yet, most of us know in our gut what our dream is and what we need to sacrifice to get there That is to say discover our Dream Life sooner rather than later in our life

So, how do U identify + overcome Ur #1 Crisis of Confidence today?

Three suggested steps to try:

Firstly take time to write out Ur Dream and what dilemma is holding U back?

Write out Ur Steps to ACT

Secondly get into ACTION and decide the first simple steps U can start on today to overcome Ur #1 Crisis of Confidence and live Ur dream

Thirdly find a power greater than Ur self who U can trust and who’ll help U start taking those first “baby steps” towards Ur dream

Faith gives U a Power Greater than Ur self to overcome Ur #1 Crisis of Confidence

This power greater than Ur self can be Ur faith, or someone who’s living Ur dream and who will spend time with U on Ur Dream Journey!

Or perhaps an article or book wherein Ur first steps are described by someone who practices what they talk about

Selfie Ur Idol Teenagers Have Fun
Young Dreamers Overcoming their Crisis of Confidence

That’s it, Young Dreamers!
At Ourplace we’re praying for U and hope U’ll join us in living Ur Dream Life today and everyday! See U in God’s Dream Reality Land hendrickus of Ourplace

HOMEless in Canada!

HOMEless in Canada!
Summer is soon here – Some physically HOMEless folks have SURVIVED the winter! 

Toronto old homeless man sleeping on sidewalk
Toronto old homeless man sleeping on sidewalk

Are U among the lucky who SURVIVED?
Who have a home? Thank God!

Thank God, if U and Urs have a physical home and are also believers in God!

Because there are 3 kinds of ways to be HOMEless
YES! God says U and Urs can BE HOMEless in …

Firstly Ur SPIRIT 

That’s where U believe Ur self to be a little god And U join the Ignoramus iSelfus leaders who are getting U to march with #WomenOfWrath and #RenegadesOfRage!

Ignoramus iSelfus Humans Waiting in a Crowd

Secondly Ur SOUL That’s where Ur lording it over Ur friends, teachers, parents and siblings

DO as I SAY – Not as I DO

Not "lording it" But sharing family dinner with thanks to God!
Not “lording it” But sharing family dinner with thanks to God!

Thirdly Ur BODY 

That’s where U and Ur family are truly CAMPING OUT – In a city park or under a viaduct – U are truly HOMEless physically!

"Camping Out" in City Park, with the neighbours walking by.
“Camping Out” in City Park

So U’ve got a choice to make – today!

Want to continue to believe in Ur selfie as a little god? Or start to believe in the God who created U and all in heaven and earth ?


Children outside their trailer in Wasagamack First Nation, Canada
Children outside trailer in Wasagamack First Nation, Canada

Continue to be HOMEless in Canada in Ur Spirit,  Soul or Physically – Or ask God to help U find a home for Ur spirit, mind and body to believe in him and obey him?

Therefore ask God to let U help other HOMEless people, who truly need Ur help! So U can  share God’s blessings with them. So they also have a true home in God for their spirit, soul and physical needs!

We at Ourplace in Canada pray for U and all homeless people! That they may find God and his care to have a true home for their spirit, soul and body!